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Rare audio material of Weimar parliamentary debates

Public broadcaster SWR has digitized debates in the Reichstag which had been recorded by the Berliner Rundfunk between 1931 and 1933, from budget debates to discussions about unemployment and Hitler’s speech after the burning of the Reichstag. The material runs 24 hours in total and documents the deteriorating political culture in the German parliament.

Time Travel to 1920s Berlin

snapshot_005A group of enthusiasts has set up an online version of 1920s Berlin in the virtual 3D world Second Life, complete with a Hotel Adlon, Eldorado club, a Red Wedding and the city’s very own group of chorus girls, the Fabulous Flaperettes. The community that frequents this online world has even run a successful donation campaign to pay for a Stolperstein monument in real-life Berlin, commemorating Rosa Bleiberg, a Jewish victim of the Holocaust. (Even virtual) Berlin ist immer eine Reise wert!

Research on Weimar on LISA portal

logo_LISA, the online portal of the Gerda Henkel Foundation, offers two very interesting video series about the Weimar Republic. The lecture series Dimensionen der “Machtergreifung” – Von der Weimarer Republik zum NS-Staat features talks by esteemed German experts on the rise of the Nazis in Weimar Germany, including Stefanie Schüler-Spingorum on anti-Semitic violence 1932-34.

The 9-part documentary The New Objectivity in Dresden introduces and presents the research project of the same name, based at the Dresden State Art Collection, from its initial inception to the final exhibition.

Archives Portal Europe

archivesPortalThe Archives Portal Europe provides access to information on archival material from different European countries as well as information on archival institutions throughout the continent.

One of the many documents found via the Portal is the file of the SS High Command Security Service Main Office on Weimar-era political and legal theorist Carl Schmitt, held at the Wiener Library, London.

International Encyclopedia of WWI launched

po4Pqa4y_400x400Yesterday, 1914-1918-ONLINE, an English-language virtual reference work on the First World War, was launched. The multi-perspective, open-access knowledge base is the result of an international collaborative project involving more than 1,000 authors, editors, and partners from over fifty countries (incl. from FU Berlin, German Historical Institutes, Instituto de Historia Contemporanea Lisboa, Government of South Australia). More than 1,000 articles will be gradually published.

Modernist Journals Project

mjpThe Modernist Journals Project at Brown University and the University of Tulsa has been an important digital archive since 1995, offering scans of English-language avant-garde publications from 1890 to 1922. The archive includes titles like Wyndham Lewis’ Blast, The Crisis and Scribner’s Magazine, and more will be added in the future.

Ullstein-Berichte online

UbThe Ullstein-Berichte, a public relations magazine distributed by the Ullstein publishing house from 1926-1933, has been digitized by the DFG-funded project Illustrierte Presse. The magazine is not only an important source for research on Ullstein and the Weimar press, but also on the developing marketing industry in Germany in the early 20th century.

European History Online

EGO_logotype_enEGO (European History Online) is a multi-media portal to 500 years of European history in transnational perspective, featuring articles by esteemed scholars and experts: ‘EGO | Eu­ro­pean His­tory On­line is a tran­scul­tural his­tory of Eu­rope on the In­ter­net. The pro­ject in­ves­ti­gates processes of in­ter­cul­tural ex­change in Eu­ro­pean his­tory whose im­pact ex­tended be­yond state, na­tional and cul­tural bor­ders. Continue reading “European History Online”

European Film Gateway

efg_logoThe European Film Gateway is a single access point to films, images and texts from selected collections of 24 film archives across Europe: ‘The EFG Portal gives you quick access to hundreds of thousands of film historical documents as preserved in European film archives and cinémathèques: photos, posters, programmes, periodicals, censorship documents, rare feature and documentary films, newsreels and other materials.’