Call for papers for a panel, “From Frontgemeinschaft to Volksgemeinschaft? Marginalized War Veterans in postwar Germany,” at the German Studies Association meeting, October 4 – October 7, 2012, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Deadline: January 15, 2012
Germany’s defeat in 1918 as well as “front experience” left an indelible mark on the postwar German veterans’ culture. War veterans had been traditionally accorded immense social prestige in modern Germany. After the First World War, however, the veterans’ movement was increasingly clad in a nationalist mantle that excluded many groups blamed for Imperial Germany’s defeat – Jews, socialists, communists, and pacifists. Moreover, many former soldiers from Alsace, Lorraine, or the territories ceded to Poland and Belgium became pariahs under their new governments. Despite the different national and political contexts, all these individuals shared several similarities that were shaped by the experience of war, defeat, and questioned patriotism.
I am looking for one or two more papers on post-WWI German war veterans for a panel at the upcoming 2012 GSA meeting. Specifically, the panel shall address those former soldiers ostracized from the mainstream veterans’ community due to racial or political reasons, or rendered “homeless” in an actual and spiritual sense through postwar territorial settlements.
Please send a 1-2 page paper proposal by January 15, 2012 to Michael Geheran at <>