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CfP: Catholic Intellectuals in Weimar Germany

DownloadThe conference ‘Siegkatholiken’, Kulturpessimisten, ‘Gegenintellektuelle’? Katholische Kultur- und Zeitkritik in der Zwischenkriegszeitaims for a revaluation of Catholic intellectuals of the interwar years beyond cultural pessimism. One-page abstracts  of 20-30-minute talks should be sent to the organisers until 15 March 2013.

‘Siegkatholiken’, Kulturpessimisten, ‘Gegenintellektuelle’? Katholische Kultur- und Zeitkritik in der Zwischenkriegszeit  (CfP in German)

at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, 26-27 September 2013

Organisers: Stefan Gerber (FSU Jena); Denis Kitzinger (Thomas More College, Merrimack)

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Jochen Hung (March 4, 2013). CfP: Catholic Intellectuals in Weimar Germany. Weimar Studies Network. Retrieved January 18, 2025 from