There are some online tools that can help the historian with analyzing large bodies of text:
– The Voyant website is a very simple tool, where the user uploads texts or pastes them right into a textbox. It is also possible to use URLs (of online journals, for example). The program will count the frequency of unique words in the text and also supply a visual representation in the form of a tag cloud.
– The Google Ngram Viewer is a very powerful, if somewhat crude, program that trawls through Google’s vast digital library (20 million books and counting), spitting out a graph charting the popularity of user-defined words through the ages (1800 – 2008).
There are also various podcasts and online workshops on digital tools for historians on the Institute of Historical Research‘s History SPOT website.
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Jochen Hung (June 25, 2012). Digital Tools for Historians. Weimar Studies Network. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from