The December issue of Central European History is dedicated to the history of the Weimar Republic, with articles by Eric Weitz, Kathleen Canning, Rüdiger Graf and Nadine Rossol:
Kathleen Canning: The Politics of Symbols, Semantics, and Sentiments in the Weimar Republic
Eric D. Weitz: Weimar Germany and its Histories
Rüdiger Graf: Either-Or: The Narrative of “Crisis” in Weimar Germany and in Historiography
Nadine Rossol: Performing the Nation: Sports, Spectacles, and Aesthetics in Germany, 1926–1936
Eric Bryden: Heroes and Martyrs of the Republic: Reichsbanner Geschichtspolitik in Weimar Germany
Manuela Achilles: With a Passion for Reason: Celebrating the Constitution in Weimar Germany
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Jochen Hung (March 31, 2011). Special CEH Issue on Weimar. Weimar Studies Network. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from