Anthony McElligott’s new study Rethinking the Weimar Republic. Authority and Authoritarianism, 1916-1936 ‘challenges conventional approaches to the history of the Weimar Republic by stretching its chronological-political parameters from 1916 to 1936, arguing that neither 1918 nor 1933 constituted distinctive breaks in early 20th-century German history.
This book covers all of the key debates such as inheritance of the past, the nature of authority and culture, rethinks topics of traditional concern such as the economy, Article 48, the Nazi vote and political violence, and discusses hitherto neglected areas, such as provincial life and politics, the role of law and Republican cultural politics.’
–> Review (H-Soz-Kult, in English)
–> Review (Reviews in History)
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Jochen Hung (April 24, 2014). Rethinking the Weimar Republic. Weimar Studies Network. Retrieved January 18, 2025 from