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European History Online

EGO_logotype_enEGO (European History Online) is a multi-media portal to 500 years of European history in transnational perspective, featuring articles by esteemed scholars and experts: ‘EGO | Eu­ro­pean His­tory On­line is a tran­scul­tural his­tory of Eu­rope on the In­ter­net. The pro­ject in­ves­ti­gates processes of in­ter­cul­tural ex­change in Eu­ro­pean his­tory whose im­pact ex­tended be­yond state, na­tional and cul­tural bor­ders. EGO de­scribes Eu­rope as a con­stantly chang­ing com­mu­nica­tive space which wit­nessed ex­tremely var­ied processes of in­ter­ac­tion, cir­cu­la­tion, over­lap­ping and en­tan­gle­ment, of ex­change and trans­fer, but also con­fronta­tion, re­sis­tance and de­mar­ca­tion.’

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Jochen Hung (June 14, 2013). European History Online. Weimar Studies Network. Retrieved January 18, 2025 from