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Journal Review: German History (Dec 2010)

In the December issue of German History, Benjamin Ziemann reviews the most important publications on Weimar politics and culture of the last few years, with a special focus on gender, the semantics of ‘crisis’, theatre and the performative turn, and the significance of ’emplotment’:

“The article suggests that the modernity of metropolitan culture in Berlin, and its significance for Weimar Germany more generally, have been overestimated, and hence concludes that—in cultural terms—Weimar was Weimar: it is best represented by the small town in Thuringia.”

Reviewed books include: Die ‘Krise’ der Weimarer Republik. Zur Kritik eines Deutungsmusters, edited by Moritz Föllmer and Rüdiger Graf, Weimar Germany, edited by Anthony McElligott and Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy by Eric Weitz.

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Jochen Hung (December 13, 2010). Journal Review: German History (Dec 2010). Weimar Studies Network. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from